Our factory shop

The one-stop-shop for our entire assortment

Our products can also be purchased on-site directly from the factory shop. Here you will find the widest selection of fresh and delicious products, from natural fruit purees to flavoursome sauces and yogurt toppings, not to mention juice drinks and jams. Many products in the shop are in convenient small packages, so you can find the right one for you. This is the perfect place to discover new favourites and take home something truly special.

In the shop you will find our full assortment and we also offer frozen berries and fruits at good prices.

Our shop sells at factory prices, which means that you can get the products at a particularly low price.

Our factory family is small and we are not always present at the shop, as we are making jam or doing other tasks. Please ring the doorbell and we’ll be happy to open the doors for you.

The shop is located at Tööstuse 6, Elva. Our opening hours are Mon-Thu 9-16